• The Sanibel Capvita Trust Company Logo
  • The Naples Trust Company Logo
  • The Tampa Bay Trust Company Logo

Our Mission and Vision for Financial Excellence in Florida

Founded in Sanibel, Florida in 2001

Our Mission

To advise and care for our clients and their families by providing individualized wealth management through life’s transitions.
We strive to inspire trust, confidence and a sense of community among those we serve.
Our Mission keeps us focused on what is most important –
individuals, families, foundations and business owners with missions of their own.
Founded in 2001, The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company was created in response to high net-worth investors like you, seeking quality independent wealth management services to protect, grow and perpetuate their families’ assets. By holding fast to our Mission, we are able to create a unique relationship with individualized services designed specifically for you.

Our Vision

To be the premier independent wealth management firm that is the first choice
for clients, employees, shareholders and professional advisors.

We are committed to

  • holding a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and goals
  • providing exceptional local investment management
  • administering targeted, thoughtful estate and trust services
  • delivering outstanding personal attention and consistent communication
  • serving as a strong industry leader for the benefit of our clients, community and shareholders

Our Corporate Structure

SanCap Group Inc. is the holding company of The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company and its divisions of The Naples Trust Company and The Tampa Bay Trust Company. The holding company is located in Sanibel, Florida within Lee County and manages and executes the business of the Board of Directors and its Shareholders.

Addressing Unique Circumstances

Some ultra high net worth families require specialized services beyond the scope of customary provisions included above. fulfills both classic and highly unique needs with an individual tailored plan, including expert internal and external advisors and resources. Family Office Services by nature are individualized and very specific to each client relationship. Ask us about our full comprehensive offerings and how we can assist with your family's aspirations.